7 Questions to Ask Your Child’s Orthodontist

Orthodontist Madison, MS

You may be thinking that it is time to take your child to the orthodontist. Starting at a young age, your orthodontic professional can assess your child’s needs. The orthodontist will customize a treatment plan for each patient, so you can feel good about the options your child has. At the first appointment, it is helpful to come prepared with a list of questions about what to expect.

What the orthodontist can address

An orthodontist is concerned about a child’s oral health as well as the cosmetic issues that can affect their teeth and jaw. Various treatment methods can correct a wide variety of conditions and improve the child’s smile. Some of these issues include:

  • Improper bites
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Crooked teeth
  • Excessive wear on teeth

Question 1: when should patients start treatment?

Some people think braces and other interventions are for teenagers. However, orthodontists recommend that children as young as age 7 start treatments. At this age, the patient is starting to lose teeth, and the orthodontist can start to identify dysfunctions with the jaw.

Question 2: are braces or clear aligners right?

For decades, traditional metal braces were the way to go when a patient needed to straighten their teeth. Recently, less visible solutions have become available. Clear aligners are plastic mouthguards that fit over the patient’s teeth. Deciding which one is right depends on the person’s preferences. Aligners are virtually invisible and do not have to be on as long. However, since aligners are removable, undisciplined patients may not wear them properly.

Question 3: how long will the child have to wear braces?

The orthodontist will evaluate each patient’s needs. Treatment lengths will vary based on the severity or complexity of the person’s teeth or jaw dysfunction. Typically, the patient will wear braces for 18 months to three years.

Question 4: what are the possible drawbacks to wearing braces?

In some form, braces have been around for hundreds of years. This can be an effective way to straighten teeth and correct issues with the jaw. There are potential cons to wearing braces, however. Many patients struggle with mouth sores and discomfort when wearing braces. It also takes diligence to maintain good oral health habits.

Question 5: why does the orthodontist give the patient a retainer?

After getting the braces off, the patient will receive a retainer. This appliance prevents the teeth from shifting to their previous places.

Question 6: how long will the patient wear a retainer?

Some orthodontists place permanent retainers in the bottom jaw. The patient may have this in forever. The orthodontist may ask the patient to wear the removable retainer in the upper jaw for up to a year.

Question 7: will insurance cover orthodontic work?

An insurance plan will not likely pay for the entire treatment plan. However, many coverages will pay for a portion of the work.

Have peace of mind

The more you understand about how your orthodontist will approach your child’s treatment, the more comfortable you can feel. Call the office today and schedule the first appointment for your son or daughter. With a few years, your child could enjoy a brand-new smile.

Are you considering visiting an orthodontist in the Madison area? Get more information at https://madison.engelsmiles.com.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Orthodontist in Madison, MS.

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